Welcome to Barbara's "art" blog. I create artworks that range from small to large, from somewhat eerie to very joyous. Most of my works come straight from my imagination; I use my experiences and filter them through my brain. Soometimes I try to sit back and watch my hands create, and enjoy the process almost as a spectator. Eventually, though, my more technical side comes out to correct the spontaneous one, and the two compromise.

See links (on the right)to my hand-painted jewelry and pet portraits.

Note: any artwork on this blog is copyright of Barbara Yalof

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Different media force different styles

This is a collage-that is obvious at first glance. I love the way the various media that artists use to work in effect so much change in the style of the finished piece. Were I to paint this scene in acrylic on canvas, it would look so different that it would look as if a different person created the two pieces. For this reason, I think its so important to vary size, media, and time limits for your artistic output. You discover things about your art that wouldn't be possible by sticking to the same size and media all of the time. When you return to your series of same size, same media, I think there is a new richness to these pieces.
I hope you can appreciate the humor in all of the works that I produce, even the ones not intentionally humorous...

1 comment:

Ackart said...

Thank you for your kind comments. Your collage is so unique. The feet are great in the foreground. Do you have a name for the title or what is going on? You have such a gift for capturing people expressions.I really enjoyed looking at your blog. The teaching collage was great!!