Welcome to Barbara's "art" blog. I create artworks that range from small to large, from somewhat eerie to very joyous. Most of my works come straight from my imagination; I use my experiences and filter them through my brain. Soometimes I try to sit back and watch my hands create, and enjoy the process almost as a spectator. Eventually, though, my more technical side comes out to correct the spontaneous one, and the two compromise.

See links (on the right)to my hand-painted jewelry and pet portraits.

Note: any artwork on this blog is copyright of Barbara Yalof

Friday, December 11, 2009

Teachers Can Relate to This Collage-check it out!

Everyone who has ever taught will recognize the characters in this collage about teachers and their students.
The teacher is trying very hard to present an interesting lecture (yes, of course physics can be very interesting...). The student on the left holds the chalk, ready to come up to the black board and fill in an equation if she is asked. The student on the right is very busy inspecting her nail polish job, which she began right as the teacher began her lecture. Ah! Such a great nail polish job. Not such a great job on her upcoming exam though....
This collage was so much fun to put together. I only had a vague sense of where I was going with it when I started, but when I finished, I really liked this one.

1 comment:

Connie Malamed said...

You've captured the moment well!